Wondering what considerations to make when sizing a wet hopper bottom bin for corn drying.
Fans for aeration a must or no?
Can dry about 700 bph split between batch topdry and continuous flow GSI. Both would pull from wet tank.
We run a double wet bin setup mostly because we had the one from our previous dryer. We have a 10k bushel hopper bin and a 22k bushel aeration bin. That allows us to use the hopper bin to fill the bottom cone on the wet bin with dry corn. If your only using a flat bottom bin for your wet bin and you can't put a dry cone in the bottom make sure you fully empty it every few days I've heard to many horror stories. We run a continuous flow dryer. We are setup so that if we start combining at 9am (It usually takes that long to get everything fueled, greased, and dryer checked over) on are average yield and high teen moisture corn the wet bins fill up around 9pm and the dryer is just about out of corn when we start combining again the next morning or we will use whats in the trucks to keep it going tell we can start combining. Our goal is to never have to shut our tower dryer down during harvest it works best that way. Now how many bushels of storage it takes to accomplish that will depend on dryer capacity, yields, average moistures, and how much you can harvest in a day.
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