Verified FBN Member (OH)


Can you plant soybeans on a field two years in a row. How much yield loss do you figure


Verified FBN Member (IA)

We plant cereal rye as a fall/winter cover crop between....2nd year beans are better quality and quantity than 1st year.

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Back to back may cause some disease pressure, but certainly you will see more N fixation as the soils will have more rhizobium bacteria.


Verified FBN Member (WI)

Seed selection and fungicides you’ll be fine maybe 5bushel loss


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Some advice that I mite add is I have planted soybean on the same ground for over 5 years and change the seed genetics and you well seldem see a yield reduction


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Tried it last year. It's hard to tell because of our drought, but I say at most 5-10% if any. I'd just make sure you get REALLY GOOD disease genetics.


Verified FBN Member

We have 325 acres of bottom land that has been in soybeans since the 1960’s, zero fertilizer and usually the top end of our yield, however it is prone to flooding from the Mississippi River and is randomly lost or unable to plant so there is an eradic forced fallow in place due to that. I would say in corn country as long as you manage your potassium you can go as many years as you want.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

You wont. Fertilize accordingly and we always see a rise in yield! Weve done 4 years in row before seeing drop in yield many times. Decent weather and good seed should be ok. Thats in some tighter clay soils.