Verified FBN Member (NC)


Wheat harvesting settings

Just wondering what everyone has found to be your best settings on the combine for wheat. I am running a 9870 and trying to see how everyone cleans their grain up.


Verified FBN Member

I am fortunate to be a few ours from Bennett tractor which is an excellent John Deere salvage yard, got my large wire ones in almost new condition for the price of one section new


Verified FBN Member (NC)

I am running round bars with two rows of inserts, still haven't decided if the small wire are worth the investment.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

I’ve heard of some out here in Eastern CO/Western KS that have run 1 small wire and 2 large wire for their dryland corn, milo & wheat. One of these days we’ll update but until then running the welder on them keeps us going with the small wire. Our round bar concaves are another matter. 😂

Verified FBN Member (CO)

We run small wires with filler straps in the center one in our 9770. Rotor rpm as fast as need be but usually 650-750 range. Air cranked up. Our concaves are way past their prime since they are still mostly working we run with them.


Verified FBN Member

I was running worn out round bar concaves before, was told the large wire was a good all around for beans and wheat, I believe the small wire would be better for someone mostly cutting small grain

Verified FBN Member

Large wire concaves were a big help for me, if I remember correctly around 800 rpm fan and maybe 600ish on rotor, I set the concave distance more by observation than number on corner post, tighten down until you see some stalk in the sample and then open it back up until it clears out. The large wire concaves were a game changer though