Verified FBN Member (CO)


John Deere early R & RT series tractors.

Currently I’ve got a Case 2006 STX330 as my main tractor, not bad just after 3yrs with it wanting to move back to JD. My STX330 will be listed on FBN when their ‘For Sale page’ opens. If you’re interested before then I can email/text pictures & info, listing it at $78,000.


Anyways, I’m looking at early R & RT (2010-2012). Yes they’ll be higher hours (5K-8K) but who wants to tell me what they hated about those series? I see plenty I think I’ll like, especially a smoother in field ride with tracks, but I want to know what people had issues with.


Verified FBN Member (TX)

Ya were Deere fans over here lol but anyway the 30 series are holding there value so well partly for that reason I think..that’s probably opinion but that an no emissions..but ya if you found one that had the pip done to it you pry be fine!! 🤷🏽‍♂️

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