Verified FBN Member (NE)


Is anyone else having issues with yield sense yield data not transferring correctly?

Our soybean yield data has a tendency to transfer higher than actual yields and our corn transfers lower than actual yields. This is an ongoing issue across different platforms.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

That looked like a lot of work so I just did a post harvest calibration for each field.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

We run two combines with yield sense. One with a gen 1, one with a gen 3. This year the gen 3 was adding 40 bushels per acre to the iPad, but the monitor was correct. Harvested acres also added 1.5 acres per acre harvested. Precision says it’s not their problem, it’s climates problem. Climate says they’ll have a fix by next year. In the mean time we had to pull all data off the 20/20’s, and had cl...


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Building a new Precision planter this winter with a Gen 3.... that doesn’t make me feel real good now. Hmmm.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I should clarify that we get things to work with the Gen3 so they are satisfactory but it's not nearly as seamless as it is with the Gen2. FV data transfer is one of those things in that category. I wouldn't be too apprehensive about putting it to work on your custom planter as long as you have enough time to configure it all in detail.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

We run two case combines with yield sense installed on both. We’ve always struggled to keep them calibrated from field to field. I’ll have to check and see if maybe that’s our problem. I’m not normally running the combines but always refer to FieldView for the yields. Never been satisfied with yield sense honestly. Thought maybe it was one machine. Then we added the second in 2018 and have had ...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

Gen 3 displays have definitely been much more of a headache especially when working with FV for us on both YS and planter sides.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Greenstar and FV drive. The file format between yieldsense and fv drive is the same though so it's same file type.

I'm a precision planting dealer though so I'm quite familiar with the YS. I'd recommend trying to upload the field map data from the 2020 to each platform rather than go through fv and see what you get. There have been numerous issues within my customer base in getting acres between...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

The 2020 is fine but when I transfer it the yield changes. I just noticed the SMS isn't right either. I just did a post harvest calibration on every field to get it right.

Verified FBN Member (NE)


Haven't had issue with that myself. FarmersEdge and FBN do some yield data cleaning but that's more to eliminate zero readings on edges of passes and overlap issues.

FarmersEdge for us has produced yield maps but they were significantly elevated compared to actual scale tickets. FBN matched up pretty close to what our actual weights were from field. It's a lot easier to post calibrate FBN vs Fa...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

Is that with a yield sense yield monitor?

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Transferring to where? Fieldview?


Verified FBN Member (NE)

FBN and Farmers edge. It is like they report pre calibrated yields.