Verified FBN Member (IL)


Killing waterhemp in non GMO soybeans.

Has anyone found a spray combination that will kill waterhemp?. Last year nothing seemed to work. Used Flex Star and Cobra. Weeds looked sick for a few days then greened back up. The only thing we did was burn the beans back. Any suggestions? Beans are non GMO.


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

In Canada we have a product called valtera. Active ingredient is flumioxazin 51.1%. It is a pre emergence herbicide with waterhemp listed as control on the label. We do not have this weed yet in our area so I can't comment on how well it works

Verified FBN Member (IL)

This is our 6th year growing non gmo beans. The trivence has 4 weeks residual. Agree you have to start clean.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

The zapper killed the plant and seeds on the weeds.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

The weed zapper is 30 ft wide and puts out 14000 volts so any thing taller than the beans gets fried. All it did to beans was slightly curl upper most leaves but they came out of it and looked normal few days latter.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

Used trivence ppi this year looks really clean so far fb shaven star with generic select post. Last year had a few escapes hired a weed zapper to come in and hit them nailed them


Verified FBN Member

Weed zapper?

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Use a strong pre. We used sonic, thundermaster, acumen, 2,4-d, roundup with ams and mso in no-till situation. Never seen beans so clean. Questioned if we needed a second pass for post. Don’t question. Stick to the spraying schedule.

Key is to not skimp on chemicals in the corn rotation.


Verified FBN Member (LA)

Please be on narrow row configuration or drilled

Paraquat + Metribuzin + Metochlor Pre (pray for a light activating rain, otherwise lotsa burn)

Fomesafen+ Metolochlor+ surfactant post 3 weeks after emergence

-pray for another activating rain event

Verified FBN Member (ND)

We run 100% NON GMO beans doing it for the specialty market. Like said above we have found the best program has to include a burn down and a pre along with a crop rotation that controls the hard to kill weeds on the other years.

Verified FBN Member (MO)

We have been running authority supreme at 8 oz right behind drill then if have to clean them up later run cobra volunteer and a product called bio herb booster at 16 oz to 100 gallons water also added 16oz E-Max 16oz ultra sweet have great results the bio products come from Royal-Grow we can now get them through FBN


Verified FBN Member (IL)


Verified FBN Member (MO)

No crop oil just the products I listed

Verified FBN Member (IL)

I’ll try some of that. Are you still using the crop oil with the Cobra?

Verified FBN Member (MO)

All of our non gmo beans are for high protein

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Nothing works good. Best luck I've had is Ultra Blazer @ 40 gal/acre with some dyne-amic. Best luck doesn't mean it worked well though. Key is never let them grow like everyone else says above. Zidua and Outlook combinations put on pre emerge, early post, then follow with Dual or Warrant later in the year.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Ultra Blazer used to kill big waterhemp. Haven’t used it for several years.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

We run tredlan or prowl down (depending if it is notilled], authority and metribuzin. Post I spray flex star, select, and pursuit. My beans are cleaner than any traited bean field around. The key to killing waterhemp is to never let it grow.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

There is NO good post option.

The post PPO resistance is real and it’s in Illinois.

However, I always recommend, the beat weed to kill is a weed that’s not there...Start with a great pre program.

1- use a PPO, Valor or Authority.

2- metribuzin

3- a yellow

All these products cannot be used post, so why not use them pre. They also have some burndown in them. I would still throw roundup plus anot...



Verified FBN Member (IL)


The yellow all depends on if you will till or not.

Or how soon after you spray, you will till.

Treflan or sonalan is cheap. But it has to be incorporated ASAP.

Prowl H2O or Satellite Hydrocap if you are no-tilling or can’t work the ground for some time.

Teens to 20s depending on rates and name brand vs generic.

Don't be afraid to spend good money on SB pres.

You only get 1 chance ...

Verified FBN Member (IA)

What yellow do you use? I could see 25 bucks in that pass. Do you have recipe and cost you would be willing to share? I was thinking of trying some MTZ Next year with the valor.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

6 oz Zidua Pro + 6 oz metribuzin pre

followed by your next favorite group 15 and flexstar post before you see any new weeds 26 days later. Once they are up you wont get them.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

1 oz of sharpen has zero residual

Verified FBN Member (IN)


It takes too much water to activate it. that is why they add chemical with it. it is a great chemical i agree, however weeds will germinate before water actiavtes it in dry years like this one in our area

It works here in central indiana and until we figure out something else we will keep using it.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

Why would you run Zidua Pro?

In my opinion is wasted money.

6oz = 1oz Sharpen, 4oz Pursuit, 2oz Zidua

1oz Sharpen will have great burndown, but maybe 1 week of residual. To me that’s not worth the money, save it for Corn.

Pursuit is ok on the weeds it still controls. But look at all the ALS resistance. Why not save the pursuit for a post pass, if needed, to control that specific weed you are tr...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Yes, we get $1.40 per bushel premium. This year I have 200 acres planted into rye cover crops. Hoping that will help on controlling the waterhemp.


Verified FBN Member (KS)

The cereal rye has worked well for me. But do a good job at planting no skips , they turn into a weed patch you can not kill.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

That is a nice price. I hope you find something that works.

Verified FBN Member (IA)


FWIW...We had been non-gmo beans for seed cost savings the last 4-5 years. Key word had...

I watched heavy dose of cobra burn a foot tall giant rag to a crisp 1st year. Week later it put out new leaves. We haven't been happy with the the fomesafen either...We just have had trouble finding anything to control that late flush that seems to pop end of June. We sprayed a valor mix pre w/Burn down. H...
