Verified FBN Member (AL)


What are the best micronutrients to put in furrow on corn for best ROI?


Verified FBN Member (ID)

3-18-18, Micro pack + managanese spiked, humid and fulvic acid.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

I start with a soil test first. If you get a micro pack you could be adding something that could hurt your yield. I have found when I y-drop 32% and ATS some boron and zinc gives me a kick.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

*** said that,

Verified FBN Member (NE)


a trace pac of all the 17 micro essential nutrients spiked with some additional based on soil samples, boron comes at such a low rate in these trace pacs of in furrow micros that its not toxic but its such a small amount you will need to supplement more boron and zink and KTS at side dress or 2x2 at planting. trying to pick and choose certain micros can throw off the ratios and can do some more h...



Verified FBN Member (MI)

Wilbur Ellis has Blue Zone ultra it's a 6-24-6 with Sulfur, Zinc, Copper, Manganese etc for about $5/gal we run 3 gal in lighter soils in furrow


Verified FBN Member (MI)

10-34-0 is higher in salt content and in sandy or drier soils it can burn and you get no K or micros with it

Verified FBN Member (ND)

6-24-6 @ 5gal/ac, Sulfur 1 gal, Zn 1 Qt , All in furrow


Verified FBN Member (KS)

N P K S.


Verified FBN Member (MI)


We are using micro pkg 1qt and a triple zinc 1 qt and two gal. 10-34-0 and 1.5 gal water .. Total 4.5 gal. product in furrow . works well . we will look into boron wiyh tssue test.


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

From my experience Zinc is most common micro in a starter. As mentioned, Boron can cause toxicity so I'd prefer having it broadcasted based on the fertilizer recs from the lab. I'd think sulfur might be good, but I'm not sure if you could deliver enough in-furrow to make it worth it. Maybe a 2 x 2 with S could allow you to get a decent rate out? Anyone else have experience with Sulfur in-furrow or...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

Not totally tubular bus similar just dribbled out the back. This acts similar to a nitrogen stabilizer

Verified FBN Member (MI)

9 gallon of 28% + 6 gallon of thio. Has been my best RIO. To date.

Verified FBN Member (OH)

Totally tubular?

Verified FBN Member (NE)

We use 7 gal of 32 and 3 gal of thiosul out the back on the ground. Works really well in our sandy soils and gives plant a little boost.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

2x2 has worked well 2x2 but is a pain hauling that much liquid with 28. I have used a blend with 4% sulfur and when neighbors corn shows signs of sulfur deficiency early it has made a difference

Verified FBN Member (IN)

I’ve tried Boron in my 2x2 starter. I think that’s too early for a one and done application as tissue tests came back as deficient later on in the season. Probably need to apply it in lower doses with multiple applications or applied later on.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I put one gallon per ac on 2x2 and did not see any difference in tissue test or yield. I think it was to early and we had to wet of a spring. I would spray it on foliar multiple times and or y-drop it on

Verified FBN Member (IL)

I though that boron was only taken in at the root tip.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

If you go with chelated boiron you can use it as a foliar best bang for your buck

Verified FBN Member (IN)

I used about .28 lbs of B. Or 1 qt/ac of a 10% boron product. I’m thinking about increasing that to .4 lbs split over 2 applications in 2020.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

How much boron did you do?

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Anyone done any boron at plant? I’m playing around with banding some this year but that is pricey too.


Verified FBN Member (MI)

I run a qt of Borosol 10% from nutrien, it's about $4/qt. Run it in my 2x2 and definitely not in furrow

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I was maybe going to run it in a 0x2. Ive heard in furrow would be a bad idea

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Be careful with boron because it can be toxic.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Great question. The starter I use has copper, iron and zinc added, but my corn tissue samples in '19 showed a deficiency of iron, so I am trying to find a product to add a bit more iron.

I have been looking at Agroliquid micro's, but they are not cheap not sure on ROI. Waiting to hear back from Monty's Plant Food.

I have been working on my whole fertilizer plan and it doesn't take long for start...
