Verified FBN Member (MN)


When do you guys apply your nitrogen?

Just wondering when you guys like to apply N? Spring tillage, summer side dress with a broadcast spreader, also would you run starter?


Verified FBN Member (IN)

45 units 2x2x2 with planter. The rest Y drop at V6- V8.

Verified FBN Member (OH)

Side dress at about 6” tall

Verified FBN Member (MN)

Agro Liquid HighNRG stabilized slow release at planter pass and with preemerge chemical to get to 50 to 60 percent of season, then 32% with Y Drop at v-5 to v-8 Stabilized with Carbon Works CetaiN based on Nitrate tests and variable rate

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Dry preplant, disk it in. Then if we decide we need more we'll have the fertilizer company y drop it on later if need be. We use to sidedress, but haven't for years.


Verified FBN Member (OH)

With the planter and y drop the rest on at sidedress