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For SaleCustom Application

High clearance Y-Drop and Fungicide applications, central, ** $10

We offer high clearance applications of Y-drop side dressing and fungicide. Mainly run in Northern polk, Boone, Story, and Dallas counties but could travel for larger jobs.


Ydrop applications: $11 (14-20gpa)

40’ or 60’ capabilities

Place N right where it’s needed right before peak usage

V9-VT window


Fungicide: $10/ac

Hagie STS 12 with 120’ boom

High gallons per acres for great canopy penetration

As applied maps, RTK accuracy, and auto boom shut offs

Can supply fungicides as low as $6/ac or supply your own

  • High clearance Y-Drop and Fungicide applications, central, **
  • High clearance Y-Drop and Fungicide applications, central, **
Year: 2020
Condition: New

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