Verified FBN Member (MO)


Looking to buy gleaner for under 200 acres.

Any Gleaner models to stay away from?


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

We have an R62, by far easiest machine to work on. Parts are a reasonable price, does a very nice job. I wouldn't be afraid to buy an older one either.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

Had an L2 years ago. There’s a reason parts are so available. You will need them!


Verified FBN Member (ND)

My friends dad has one for sale. He has retired and is selling stuff off the farm. It’s a nice combine with low hours.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

I’ve had an R50 & an R52, they are both very usable and reliable. I would look for a later model version with the longer shoe. With that you’ll have less grain loss on the ends when you turn and the shoe runs empty allowing the fan to blow grain out the back. Good hunting.


Verified FBN Member (MI)

Depends if you are full time or part time. I have an F for 300 acres and it produces an exceptional sample. N’s are known to be problematic.

Verified FBN Member (TN)

Switched to a R52 this year ran wheat great and can't wait for corn and beans glad I switched to it so far. Run under 500 acres.

Verified FBN Member (MI)

I am no problem finding parts for ************

Verified FBN Member (PA)

Id go with an R they are out there for decent money

We have an R62 and it has done well for us


Verified FBN Member (OH)

L's and m's are great machines, plentiful parts and easy to work on.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

There are a lot of L's and M's out there still being used and many common parts available. N's had some issues, so stay away from those, but R's are good and an early R could be bought for pretty cheap considering their capacity. You could look at G's or K's but I don't they would have hydro.

There are some Gleaner FB groups that are pretty good too.


Verified FBN Member (PA)

I would just stay away from all Gleaners period. We used to have an N5 and it was nothing but breakdowns and hard to round up parts