Verified FBN Member (OH)


Tmr mixer cow/operation

Wondering if anyone is using a tmr mixer for cow/calf operation what there thoughts are on it.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

Used a Patz V-500 vertical mixer for 5 years on our cow calf operation. Makes beautiful feed consistanly everytime. Mixed everything from beanstraw to long wild grass hay. Our rations were cornsilage, hay , and grain/ minerals. Cows couldnt sort out any feed they didnot like . We fed our cows for less than $2 per day /head. Yes it does take a little extra time however it paid in increased herd health. It did not like mud and the processing knives could get expensive. Grinding the hay ahead would save some time. Sometime we ran tougher bales through the bale processor first.?? All in all it is worth the time and investment.

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