Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)


Any experience with the planter low-stick Keeton seed firmer?

Is a Keeton seed firmer worth the investment vs using none, for planting corn, soybean, bean and sunflower? We have John Deere XP planters with loam to heavy clay soils.


Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)

We are conventional till. They say the low-stick firmers are not supposed to cause as much dragging and sticking.

Verified FBN Member (IL)


Are you notill or **********? I took mine off couple years ago because of seed dragging and soil build up on low profile ones. I am notill and striptill no difference in emergence and spacing was better. If putting starter in furrow look at rebounders had them on a planter years ago and was happy with there preformance.