Verified FBN Member (KS)


How many BPA loss or gain have you experienced with Dicamba drift?

I had 130 A Liberty Beans, across the fence to the east my neighbor had about 260 A Beans. He applied Dicamba. Damaged my entire field. About the 1st 500 feet lost the top 7 leaves. The whole field sat for about 30 days and then started growing new leaves out the top. The flowers and pods that were there stayed but the new growth did not produce new pods. He got a total of 4 neighbors from different fields, His insurance man called me and said he did not have coverage for that damage. What have you experienced and how did you handle it? Thank you for your help. ..  *


Verified FBN Member (IN)

We had drift on us a few years back. It went over 300 acres and traveled 1.5 miles. Beans on the ends rows nearest the application made 7 bushels per acre. Next check made 19. As you moved away even with visible Damage yield increased. By the time you got the 1.5 miles away they made over 70. Lighter damage kicks the plant into over drive it seems and it produces. In the middle the plants were very tall and fell over. But as a whole the field ended up being average for the year. We did settle with his insurance company.

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