Verified FBN Member (NJ)


Hey Guys, I just wondered how all you guys are doing mentally?

I am a 4th generation farmer, but basically started from scratch. I have been through a lot the last couple years. Bank failures, reduced prices and deaths in the family. Sometimes I am ready to quit but in my gut it feels like the good Lord says keep going. I am tired of struggling to pay electric bill, gas bill, etc. My wife works and I have 4 healthy kids but at times I feel like I can’t take anymore! We are all farmers And independent and strong, but commercial lending requirements are not kind. I live in New Jersey and yes there and are large farms here in south jersey. If there is anybody that is struggling mentally I will be glad to talk to you.. I am tired of feeling alone and I am working through the FSA process. At the same time I feel like WTF. Please connect Thanks,


Verified FBN Member (KS)

These posts are proof who the back bone of America really is. I too have been in the game. Over 40 years. Just getting started at the ripe old age of 20 I was farming practically nothing and helping my dad. At 23 I tried to get into feeding cattle and lost my butt and that same year got hailed on my whole 160 acres of corn.. my fair weather banker called my notes as I was 17000 in the red. How...



Verified FBN Member (OK)

I’m in kind of that same spot. You see the missed opportunities or the things that should have worked but didn’t. Then you’re in a hole and feel like there’s nothing you can do. I work an off the farm job but I can’t see myself not farming. Asking myself if this is a door closing and I should get out or if this is a tough time I need to work through.

Verified FBN Member (NJ)

Thank you for your response. I am very sorry about your loss. Keeping things in perspective is tough sometimes. I know some farmers around here are in a ditch also. I feel like I am racking up debts I will never get out of. The frustrating thing is I lost all my spunk and creativity. Right now after the last 6 years farming more is not the answer. A lot of custom work has dried up because p...



Verified FBN Member (SC)

I promise you are not alone in feeling this way. I'm prob around the 9'th generation on our farm. The past 5 years have been a nightmare!! Drought, floods , hurricanes, you name it we have had it. On top of that 4 years ago we had to file chapter 12 bankruptcy and a few months after that I lost my 12 year old son in an accident. It has been a rough road for us. My faith has been the most importan...



Verified FBN Member (WI)


Verified FBN Member (NJ)

Thanks and it was very helpful. I was at a moment of mental exhaustion when I wrote that post. Faith and trust in God is a major part of this business. At the same point I let the old football player or the last of 7 kids come out in me and that is I will kick your ass! I just get tired of constantly pushing uphill. Unlike all the tycoons on Wall Street I refuse to give up my character cause ...



Verified FBN Member (IA)


I am a fifth generation farmer, that doesn't necessary make it was easier to start farming. I am very thankful for the wisdom I was given over the years and continue to receive. I started farming in 1980 raising hogs, renting some farmland and helping my dad. For a lot of years I made very little profit and the bank was very hard on me. I was very lucky to have a supportive wife with a good jo...



Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

There is life after hogs! We stopped hog production in 1999 as well. In hindsight, best decision to quit hogs, worst decision to start hogs. That industry has drained a lot of bank accounts and left a litter (pun intended) of empty barns all across North America

Verified FBN Member (OH)

New Life Ministries has been a valuable resource to me and has provided my family with help and hope in life's hardest places.


Verified FBN Member (IN)


I’m a first generation, I would be glad to help with anything you want to talk about. I used the FSA programs to get up and going along with a couple mentors and while it’s not easy, it gets easier.

If you want to shoot a phone number or something over to ***********************, I’d be glad to discuss it with you.