Verified FBN Member (IL)


NONGMO vs. Extend and or Enlist 3 Soybeans?

To anyone who has had experience planting NGMO, Extend and Enlist 3 soybeans. Have you done yield comparisons and what is your opinion on yield between the three? I'm considering expanding my NGMO Soybean acres in 2020 and would like information form people that have done real yield comparisons and not just opinions. Thanks


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Have been growing mon gmo beans for four years now. Make sure you buy them from someone who wants to sell them. Some companies dont want anything to do with non gmo beans and if you get that feeling from them go elsewhere. ********** seed house has non gmo beans that keep up and or beat everything I put up against them. Some of the varieties are from Iowa State University these are exceptional soy...


Verified FBN Member (IN)

Raised nongmo beans for a few years now. Yields may be a tad lower and not just because of weed pressure. Can have health issues but stay with the big companies and you should be fine. Pioneer seems to be the leader in this department imo. One thing to consider, talk to your landlords. Many won’t “get” or tolerant the fact you have weeds and others don’t. It’s not worth losing a farm over.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

You know, being snarky is kinda stupid. Honestly you sound like a jerk. Why did you even bother to reply? I’m sure you’re the perfect farmer with perfect fields. Too bad I could’nt shake your hand.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Health issues? maybe it's all of that seed you've been buying from the big companies that don't give a crap about their non-GMO sales of soybeans??? Ever think about that. if you can't control weeds to the point that you're worried about losing a farm maybe you shouldn't be farming that field

Verified FBN Member (NE)

what is your email? i would like to grow some of these, what kind of premium are you talking?

Verified FBN Member (NE)


I'm an independent seed producer of both seed soybeans and seed corn. I have grown Enlist for 3 years and Xtend for 5 years (through seed stewardship programs before they were approved for mass production as i was part of the stewardship program to increase the lines for retail sales the next year) it REALLY MATTERS where you get your non GMO beans from, there are some cutting edge companies I'm ...



Verified FBN Member (IN)

I planted non gmo beans in ‘19 along with a few liberty beans. Non gmo’s didn’t seem to be as stress tolerant. Trying a couple hundred acres again this year of non gmo and the rest enlist.