Verified FBN Member (WI)


What are your Elevators discount schedule for light test weight corn ?


Verified FBN Member (MI)

FYI Was at the elevator yesterday and a load of corn came in at 24% moisture, 44 # test weight, and 45 % damage. After combining, it was put in a wagon and left until yesterday. The elevator took it, but it wasn't worth much.

Verified FBN Member (WI)


53.9 - 52. = .01

51.9 - 50 = .02

49.9 - 47 = .05. And or subject to rejection

Verified FBN Member (MI)

1 cent---53.9-52#

2 cents 51.9-51#

4 cents per 1# below 51

Verified FBN Member (WI)

35 cents right off the top