Verified FBN Member (MN)


Keeping track in a shared Dryer/ Bin System between two separate farmers.

I farm with my uncle and we have our own land, and trade labor and equipment to get the job done and even up at the end of the year. He has a dryer system that is in need of replacing and I have been sending all my grain to town out of the field. We have been talking about how we could expand the grain system to include my corn and beans. We want to be able to keep track of everything and keep things fair. He has about 2.5x more land than me.

One thing I have been considering is that if I were to buy a new dryer system and if he would build a couple of bins. Electrical, gas, and bushels can be accounted for and divided out as we switch back and forth. I would charge him on a bushel rate and he could charge me storage. Then if we wanted to divide things up in the future there is a clear line of who has what.

Anybody else have other suggestions or ideas that have worked for them?



Verified FBN Member (OH)

We did the separate bin thing with my dad until he retired. Wouldn’t recommend it. Time consuming waiting to empty the wet bin and seeing how much is left in the dryer before switching. It was always a speed bump. If I had to do it over id go the scale route.


Verified FBN Member (MS)

Start a new partnership 50/50, you/your uncle, buy some small acreage in that partnership and let the partnership build your new storage/dryer facility on it. Charge a drying and storage fee on grain that runs through the grain facility and the partnership can cover all of the expenses that go along with it and over time you’ll pay for the facility and can distribute earnings. then in the future ...



Verified FBN Member (OH)

For sure a scale, but if you want "your" grain always separate bin, seems as only one person at a time can dry...............unless someone has another idea?

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Put in a scale.


Verified FBN Member (OH)

How do you do that and keep your drying system to run effectively during fall harvest? Seems as though only one party at a time can dry until totally empty.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

Easiest way is to put your grain in one bin and his grain in others. Then when you haul to town, count up the scale tickets and pay per bushel accordingly.