Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


Flexi-Coil 5860 air cart task controller and VT continuously disconnecting from Deere 4640 display

I have a JD 9460R with a 4640 display connected to a 2018 Flexi Coil 5860 air cart. The air cart randomly connects and disconnects from the tractor. Cart seems to be getting good power from the tractor, grounds have been cleaned up, issues seems to be in the cart UCM or with the Deere 4640 display. Something is causing grief with the ISOBUS system.

Flexi-Coil 5860 air cart task controller and VT continuously disconnecting from Deere 4640 display


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Fixed! When running multiple displays with a tractor with a GS3 commandcenter. You need to push the implement BUS to your corner post screens (4640 in my case). Make sure you setup your 4640 as the primary monitor and then on the commandcenter go to menu-display-settings-multiple-change settings. Check off implement bus ISO display and make VT number 2 if you want it to run on the corner post display, number 1 makes it run on the commandcenter screen. Hope this helps someone one day.

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