Verified FBN Member (NE)


How do you stay Mentally healthy? What do you do when you get down? How do you control your emotions

How do you stay Mentally healthy? What do you do when you get down? How do you control your emotions


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Time off. I rarely work a Sunday, granted I don’t have livestock but I take Sundays off For church, to recharge and to have some dedicated family time. Once farming takes off in April, it’s hard to make all the kids events. Sunday gives us all a day to spend together without having it be work related. It doesn’t have to be Sunday, pick a day and try to engage as little as possible in farm stuff. I...



Verified FBN Member (SD)

This is also true. I do not work on Sunday's either. I used to with sugarbeet harvest. Don't grow them any more.

I have never seemed to be ahead of the game or gotten done any quicker by working on Sunday. That one day off to relax, unwind and spend time with the wife and kids is worth way more than any farm work I could have tried to get done.

As I get older I find myself remembering the ...


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Remeber it all belongs to God. I'm just here to manage it the best I can. God will always provide what we need. It's up to us to control our wants.


Verified FBN Member (SD)


Agreed! Still need to remind myself on occasion though. When things get real busy, it's easy to think I am in control and have to do it all myself.

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

I started doing puzzles and cross words on my iPad to occupy and use some time to recalibrate just started that lately and seems to also help


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Take mental health days off away from the farm. Been doing it for over a year now. It seems to help.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

absolutely correct, take a rain day and just veg sometimes, let your mind and body recoup and you'll be surprised at the clarity of thinking and rejuvenation, so that when it is go time again your ready and focused, best advise on this thread. and if it rains hard, take 2 days! we all work so hard to grow the best crops we can but sometimes we forget to spend a little time being the best person...
