Verified FBN Member (CO)


Is it worth spraying fungicide on corn at or just after tassel?

We’ve got good moisture & decent fertility for once. Now I’m wondering what else I could possibly do on my end to help hold onto or increase yield? I’m new to using fungicides period, blank slate here.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

We use approach prima on all corn and seed beans. Approach and leverage 360 on all beans

Verified FBN Member (IL)

I recommend to never use a generic fungicide. The generics use a less quality fungicide and won't work as well. Last year we used Trivapro and sprayed at tassel, however it is labeled to spray before tassel, which helps eliminate the mess the tassels make all over the sprayer. Our crop consultants said that we had the healthiest corn they saw all year. We were the only farmers in our area tha...



Verified FBN Member (IN)

Last year was our first year with fungicides on corn. We bought our own high clearance sprayer to do it. left a test strip in every field. On average we gained 30 bushels. In bottom fields it was more like 50 bushels due to heavy fogs. We just used the cheap generic quilt excel for the $6 an acre and an insecticide. This year southern rust scared us and we bought trivapro. Looking back ...



Verified FBN Member (CO)

Wow! Humidity helps to move the fungicide in then? Humidity is nonexistent out here compared to back in the corn belt. We’re looking at trading into a new to us *****, it’ll be our fortune that next year is a dry year & we won’t get to utilize like we hope to.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Agree with ***** O. - Iowa farmers see break-even ROI 3 of 5 years and bonus bushels the other 2...the reward is worth being consistent. Timing is best at brown silk, whereas at VT-brown silk can cause pinching of the ear. Stopping fungal issues is one thing, respiration for plant recovery when overnight temps stay above 70 degrees is another. The generic work well, and there are new labeled produ...



Verified FBN Member (CO)

Good to know. Rarely, if ever (hard to recall one) do we see disease in our fall crops out here. Wheat sometimes, but fall crops hardly. That’s why I’ve got almost zero experience with fungicides in fall crops. Have only used it a few times for rust in wheat it’s still all pretty new to me.

I appreciate the feedback. This year I noticed a neighbor was spraying all his so I asked what he was doing...


Verified FBN Member (IA)

My question is why do you say descent fertility for once? That should be an operator controlled variable..


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Money has been the issue in the past. This year with the weather forecast I stepped out on faith and put down more than I ever have before. Looks to hopefully pay off this year with all the rain we’ve had. Not always the case out here. Some years we’ll get 20”+, most we get 14, not uncommon to get 10 either.

For my dad in his crop share leases, it’s hard to put up the extra money when you’re not ...


Verified FBN Member (IA)


Generic quilt xl is around 6$/ acre at 10.5 oz rate. Ive gotten to the point that leaving test strips at brown silk cost you money in lost revenue and a half rate at v5 has become standard operating procedure as well. Plant health is everything, whether its a wet year or a dry year. Corn cannot have a bad day.

Just do it, it pays. Period.

And while you are at it, throw in 3 oz of a cheap insecti...



Verified FBN Member (IL)

This sounds very similar to our experience as well. This year everything gets fung with no checks and put some on post pass. Excited to see if it produces with the super wet env we had in may-june.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

You make a good point. We’ve just never done any fungicide before but I’m wanting to not treat corn as a “home run or bust” type crop anymore. I’m taking on acres and if I’m spending money on a crop then I want to get the best roi back out of that. Twitter, YouTube, & FBN have all been great sources to help me with that.

Insecticide would have been a good idea. I’ll have a high clearance sprayer ...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

In heavy Tar Spot area in NW IL we saw significant bushel increase with fungicide as well as standability. Our check strips w/o laid over or had to be picked off ground. Paid for itself and then some.


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

A good webinar was released on this topic recently. If you have 20 minutes, listen to


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Thanks! I decided to split a field 50/50 as a trial. If it pays back, I'll try it on some more acres next year as well.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Fungicides will almost always pay you back. Just depends on how much. I like to go during pollination if possible.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Thanks, I did go ahead and split a field 50/50 that way, maybe a little after pollination but right around there. Now it's a wait and see game.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Typically first brown silk is the best timing if you are going to hit it once.