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Irrigation remote monitoring and control systems?

We're looking to add remote monitoring and maybe control to a new farm that has 3 Reinke pivots on it. It looks like AgSense will be about $1000/yr subscription. I'd like to see if there is a system without a subscription that we can run through the internet service that we'll have on the grain leg, which is within ~2000 ft of the farthest pivot. I like the looks of the B-Hyve system, which does not have a subscription charge, but no one in this area has one yet. Any input is appreciated. This system runs off of a generator, so it'll be unlikely that we can start it remotely, which is fine. Any insight on install costs would be helpful too... these two systems will be in the ballpark of $2k per pivot. Thanks...

  • Irrigation remote monitoring and control systems?
  • Irrigation remote monitoring and control systems?

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