Verified FBN Member (OK)


Which SP sprayer to get??

Hey friends, it’s time to upgrade to a self-propelled sprayer on our farm, but what to get exactly is the tough part. I’ve been pulling a 1500 gallon Summers, with 100’ booms for 8 years now, mostly with a JD 9360R. Obviously Deere is king in western Oklahoma, as I’m never more than 20 minutes from a dealership in any direction. 4830’s are popular here, but I feel like I can do better within my budget. I don’t want to go smaller than 1,000 gallon. My budget is $100K-$140K anyone got advice to give? I’m all ears here


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

I have a 2012 Rogator Rg1300. It has 2700 hours on it and have had next to nothing for trouble with it. I would highly recommend one.

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