Verified FBN Member (IN)


Has anyone worked with Indigoag or Nori for carbon credits? If so did it work out?


Verified FBN Member (IA)


UPDATE....see my post from 4 months ago....My tune has changed after reading some of your replies.

Run, don't walk.

A while after the previous post, I logged into their field website where i drew field boundaries over a year ago. The website had all changed, They want any information you can give them on what you plant, fertilize, harvest, etc., and practices you do and/or what you changed. You...


Verified FBN Member (IA)

We tried Indigo, it is a joke. Background: we have no tilled for tens of years, only nh3 knifed in. They aid it was $45/ac. It is not, they soil test and then sometime later, do not know when they sample again for the amount of carbon captured and is paid over the next 10 years per ton of carbon captured. We have about 30 farms and only 2 of them even qualified because you couldn’t already be noti...



Verified FBN Member (IA)

That's awfully dramatic. An alternative view would be that wide voluntary adoption reduces the chance that these practices become mandatory. Frankly, I think the ag lobby is strong enough to hold off mandatory practices for the foreseeable future.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

One thing you are doing is promoting this to become a regulation. Now consider that. Do you want to have to pay to be able to work your field to fix compaction problems? How about if we have to return to cultivation for weed control? What if in the northern climates you will get fined to "warm up your soil" with tillage during a cold wet spring? This is what your are supporting.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Yes, what are they going to claim for damages? The payout is towards the end of the contract. Trust me, that was something I focused on.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Does that really make sense ****? Don’t be fooled so easily.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

You can exit the contracts with no penalty. At least mine is that way.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I cannot believe how many people would take a few dollars to become a slave on their own farms. Go down this path and you will no longer have independence. Seems like people are easily giving up their independence which used to be the American dream. A warning, it is much harder to get back!


Verified FBN Member (MO)


You need not look any further than the technology that is used by Amazon, Google or FB. Indigo purchased Tellus labs in 2018. It is a satellite imagery and AI company wrapped into one. They take multiple pictures of your farm each day and have taught AI what a grain bin, semi, tractor, spray rig etc. look like. They can literally see the pulse of your farm and of American agriculture on s...



Verified FBN Member (IA)


We have signed multiple revisions of their “contract” over the last year. To me it felt like each revision was all about covering their butt for The vagueness of each previous contract. One of the things in This last revision explained it was just for crop ground pastures, wooded areas. I had a phone conversation last spring around the same time as the revision about qualifying for the ...



Verified FBN Member (MO)

For anyone that cares Indigo is a sinister bunch of MIT and Harvard Business School criminals looking to offer farmers crumbs in exchange for the data of your land. I attended their conference in Memphis and met with their top leadership. They had keen interest in the fact that I sit on the board of company that oversees 13 million acres in S.A. I grilled them on every aspect of their business and...



Verified FBN Member (IA)

We have been working with NORI through my day job and I am very impressed with the team. They are definitely of the under promise and over deliver mindset. It’s early days for this company but they have more demand for carbon offsets than supply from farmers.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Sorry if this has already been said. My concern would be obligating my acres at a low price early in the game. We have wind turbines and part of that was we can’t lease acres to another wind farm. Not exactly apples to apples comparison, but it makes sense that you can not sequester more than agronomically possible. I have not read this contract, but one needs to make sure they are only selling to...



Verified FBN Member (IA)

Not surprised in the least. Guess I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

I have not heard of Indigo following through on any of their programs up to this point. I have talked to traders who have filled indigo contracts, at a loss to indigo, because of their inability to perform.....

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I started down the carbon credit road with indigo but held off signing the final agreement as I felt it was extremely vague as to timing and amount of payment. Tried reaching out to someone there but it's a revolving door of people. I've been through 2 reps and have no idea who the current rep. is for my territory. Not at all impressed with the company so far.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

Companies like Wal-Mart and Microsoft want to appear greener, so they are willing to buy something from us to appease the climate creepers. All the while they do nothing different in their business. I wonder how much they are paying for carbon if the company is willing to pay you 45 over a 10 year period...... 60-100 any bets?

Why are we not banding together, hire 5 or 6 sales people and keep m...



Verified FBN Member (KS)

Signing up don't cost nothing, you have nothing to lose. I figure if I can get some payment great, there's really no risk involved.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

No risk on a contract? Every contract carries risk, hence the reason it is a contract....If you believe that, why even read it...

Verified FBN Member (CO)

It seems misleading to me. When I called about it, it was explained to me that your carbon credit per acre payment is paid out over 10 years. So if you qualify for say $45/acre in carbon credits, you're only getting $4.50/acre every year for 10 years. I laughed at them and said that's not enough to entice me to sign up. They tried selling me on the fact that my soil would be healthier and yield mo...



Verified FBN Member (CO)

I am not surprised... We raise and sell seed, but could not try their product on our seed??? Some claims as to pricing are misrepresented at best. The premium they promise is merely the carry in the market for wheat... it’s not IP, and the mill chooses to not play their game....

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Also looking into Indigo's carbon program. Seems legit, but I have a lot of questions, might start by signing up a few fields to get my feet wet.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

I have marketed grain through them through the marketplace and is worked out quite well.


Verified FBN Member (AR)

Not worked with them specifically but on other forums I haven’t heard anything positive