(edited)For SalePlanting
32 bean meters new brushes last spring
New 60 cell bean plates (black)
New 48 cell bean plates (blue)
16 finger pickup corn meters with precision plates and finger sets
Tall hoppers for beans
New boxes for corn
32 New wavy blade no till cutters
16 spider trash wheels
Cast iron and rubber closing wheels.
Dawn shark fin closing wheels
New disc openers last spring
All new seed firmers this spring
KPM 2 monitor
New isobus cable and ppm for compatibility with Deere and other displays
New wiring harness still in box for entire planter along with speed sensors (came in the kit with the isobus cable and ppm)
Newer transport tires
Rebushed all gauge wheel pivot arms 1500 acres ago
Red ball system with new 1000 gal pull behind tank equipped with John Deere rate controller. And remco fat boy series pump.
Needs new hoses
DMI Wagon with tarp that will hold 7 pro boxes of beans equipped with christenson air system.
Wagon has brand new Honda motor on it.
Planter is older but is a one owner. We built this planter back when we sold kinze equipment and it has never left this farm
Always shedded never abused
Many spare parts come with purchase. Just finished planting for the spring so planter is available immediately.
Text for more pictures
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