Verified FBN Member (IN)


Custom Harvesting

Hey There! I'm really not sure if this is allowed or not, But I figured I'd give it a shot. I am a traveling Custom Harvester based out of Logansport, In. We have been in the business for about 15 years. Our harvest starts in Mid September, out in Central Kentucky, and then we work our way back north. I am looking for Wheat/Barley acres for 2020, willing to travel anywhere for the right amount of acres. I am Also looking for some fall harvest acres out in western KY/So Illinois. Willing to run with another harvest crew as well!


We Run 2 case IH flagships combines. 40ft mac don drapers, 12 row corn heads. We have all the supporting equipment as well.

Customer References are available.


You can contact me on facebook, the company name is Rogers Farms & Custom Ag Services,

Or you can email me      

Phone #   


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Eastern, between Omaha and Sioux City. Will have a couple thousand acres of small grains

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