Verified FBN Member (NJ)


What is the highest rate of liquid 32% nitrogen you would sidedress via Y drops on corn?

Switching to Y drops this year for our in season nitrogen app and I’m wondering if there is a rate of 32% that could burn my corn crop.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

How much yield difference has anyone seen using y drops instead of dry urea? Just got y drops with sprayer and curious if it will pay.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

We apply 28% VRT with y drops. Range of 5 gallon to 65 gallon per acre with no problems. The best corn we have ever had.


Verified FBN Member (NJ)

That’s good to hear, we were thinking around 30-40gpa depending on the field, so sound like I may be alright. Thank you

Verified FBN Member (AL)

We’ve applied 60 gallon in test strips with no issue.