Verified FBN Member (MI)


soybean damage

i came across this soybeans plant in one of my fields. It seems to be the only one in the field. Does anyone know what would cause this or what it is?

  • soybean damage
  • soybean damage


Matt Caron
FBN Employee

If that is the only one in the field, I would lean toward a mosaic virus. Not necessarily a concern unless these are conventional's that you might bin run. Then I would pull that plant before it goes all of the way to maturity. If it is a true nutrient deficiency and it is only affecting a single plant and most of the leaf tissue is a healthy green color. Then that would be a very interesting situ...



Verified FBN Member (MI)

Have you tissue tested? The yellowing looks like possible nutritional deficiency. Looks like possibly a small amount of disease too, potentially some Cercospora Leaf Blight.


Verified FBN Member (WI)

Possibly potassium defiencency. Depending on the amount of fertilizer used. Could be charcoal rot but very low chance.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

could be a different bean variety. Other varieties can make their way into your chosen variety. Due to dirty cleaning machines or treaters at production sites. So could be a different variety thats susceptible to a chemical or disease, etc