Looking at updating seeders looks like there are a lot of disc drills out there. We do mostly no till and are running the JD 1870 now and are looking at going to another 1870 or switching to the 1895, we like the way the nh3 seals up on the 1870 as they use a point on the fertilizer shank versus the old bourgault coulters on the 5710 we had before the 1870. The 1895 is using a coulter for the nh3 and a closing wheel how's the sealing up working? I know a lot of people went away from nh3 but still works the best for us. Anybody running the 1895 that didn't like them for some reason and went to something else?
We found the vaderstad is quite a bit less money for more options otherwise is pretty close to same concept as JD1870 they both run 2 shanks or openers one for seed and one for fertilizer. We have never replaced a fertilizer shank on our 1870 we have broken a few seed tube shanks, if i remember right they were $150 each.
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