Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)


New app update?

Is anyone else struggling to find products on the new updated app? Being able to search a chemical group is ok but I liked being able to see the full product range and not have to search every group and still Not find what I want. Bring back the old list!!!


Dave Scott
Product Manager
FBN Employee


Thanks everyone for your candid feedback on the FBN store. This is Dave Scott - I head up our digital product team. We’ve been making a lot of changes to the FBN Direct pages, search experience, and mobile app navigation. It's an ongoing process where we are learning what works (and doesn’t) as we evolve the experience. We’d love the opportunity to talk with anyone who's had challenges browsing...


Verified FBN Member (MI)

My frustration is getting a response of "not available". Seemingly, 100% of the time. :(


Verified FBN Member (MN)

not a difference from before

Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)

It was better before.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

I guess I’m not seeing the fuss. I type in a product and it shows up just like always.

Verified FBN Member (OR)

Agreed, it is much more difficult in the new app

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

I can’t find anything at all