Verified FBN Member (KS)


Are farmers profiting by selling carbon credits?


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Guy check out that Greenstone carbon deal . They are looking for 10 million areas . It will be a farmer owned company with farmers on the board. They have a meeting coming up in SD this month


Verified FBN Member (IA)

can you link a website. my google search isn't getting me there. Thanks in Advance

Verified FBN Member (IA)

We as Farmers need to be price makers not price takers!

My thought to the Carbon Market is to allow them the use of the acre or acres for a set rent say $50/yr, then charge for the practice they want done , cost plus arrangements then if I have to maintain it then there’s additional cost, negotiations yearly, my rent changes yearly so should there’s, they have no ownership except for the Carbon pr...



Verified FBN Member (MN)

Two things I can’t wrap my head around- First what is the information base line used to calculate my own farm’s carbon footprint??? Is there some type of carbon balance sheet that can be produced for my farm ??? Second - if corporations can be mandated to buy carbon offsets , how long before we in agriculture have to do the same ?? And then oh oh we have sold all our credits to other entities at a...



Verified FBN Member (PA)

Unfortunately carbon credits only get paid to those who improve their situation. If you have been doing the right thing all along, you get nothing. It's to get a change in carbon sequestration only.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I was at the farm show in Lincoln and talked to a couple "Carbon" places and they both had the same scenario, "You need to add something to what your are doing". WTH I've been no-till 10+ yrs and cover crops. Sorry can't pay nothing for that!!! The new word was "Additionality" to your program. Give me a break.

Verified FBN Member

Does anyone on the FBN platform have experience with selling carbon credits? From my perspective it seems that some growers have tried and been successful but most have opinions about why not to try?


Verified FBN Member (CO)

I’m signed up with FBN to attempt it. We’ll see how it goes. I figure I’m headed towards notill from minimum till, might as well sign up and see if it pays or not. They haven’t finished doing the initial soil tests yet so not much I can speak to yet. Process has been pretty simple though.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I was able to back out of Indigo ag...there is a thread from a couple years ago... Went through all the hoops(guy came out and soil sampled) and then I couldn’t enroll any fields into their system since I had used cover crops on them prior was only going to be around $10/acre from their agronomist that had been helpin folks get enrolled. Over a 5 year period!!!! Whoop d fricken do. I was...



Verified FBN Member (CO)

You’d have better luck nailing jello to the wall than getting a trustworthy answer from Indigo.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

**** said it pretty well. I signed up with Inigo 2 years ago as was told since I was already no-tilling & doing cover crops we easily qualified. NOT TRUE! Also Indigo kept changing the amount & how to be paid. Lots of wasted time. Don’t trust them!

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I enrolled in the one with FBN... Huge mistake. Bayer has the best program our there. They will always pay so much and never go below it. They are also sign up an a year by year basis. FBN is a scam, and I am getting more frustrated with them as the years go on, member since 2014-2015!


Verified FBN Member (IN)

You'll be promised dollars and paid pennies over a long period of time. What if it gets down to our level and they're checking to see if we're doing the correct things and being carbon neutral but we've sold all of our credits out and we have nothing to balance ourselves out with now we're in trouble

Verified FBN Member (KS)

$20 for all my acers and information, while someone else does nothing and gets the other $180 per ac. How about no to that situation.


Verified FBN Member

So you have sequestered over 100 metric tons of carbon per acre in a year? Through the indigo program my first field generated about a ton to the acre in the first year and I got paid for half the amount upfront and the rest will be vested over the next three years. In other words getting paid to build soil health, win-win in my opinion. Not exactly a get rich quick scenario, but what in farming i...


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Y be the scapegoat for these big companies for pennies??? B careful with these contracts some tie land up for long time? Credits issued at there discretion???


Verified FBN Member (ND)

I am interested to have my carbon credits quantified but I do not want to sell them. I want to be able to buy new farm equipment with out emmisions systems that put the equipment in to derate

If a power plant can buy carbon credits to pollute smoke stake emissions farmers should be able to get rid of DEF and DPF crap on their tractors and combines. Fair is Fair.


Verified FBN Member (ND)


Verified FBN Member (ND)

If you could take a saws all to the emmisions garbage and reprogram the computers the equipment would still have value. There are black boxes you can hook up to DEF tractors that spoof the computer into thinking the def tank is 60% full and you just un plug the DEF pump and off you go on your merry way. but it should be legal to do

Verified FBN Member (CO)

thought I should add to this thread, the Clean Air Act on mobile equipment (reason we have more electronics, DEF, EGR, VG Turbos, etc), targets reductions in Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter.

So far it's just the super large industrial industries that are getting penalized for "CO2" emissions. (They don't get any exceptions that I know of on the CO, NOx and PM -- they have...

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Agreed. This needs to be put out as a poll. How many of us would opt for more reliable equipment for our credits.

Equipment dealers couldn’t do that though, because the 2010-2020 equipment wouldn’t be worth **** lol.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I have been working with NORI through my day job. They are open about the data and currently have more demand than supply so it’s a good opportunity for farmers. The first farmer on the platform got a $75k check.


Verified FBN Member (KS)


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Email them at ************** to set up a call or get any questions answered.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

What is ****** phone number?

Verified FBN Member (NE)


If the farmer could deal directly with the Industry (people needing to buy the credits) and skip the middle man this would be the best. Unfortunately this would probably be a legal paper work nightmare.

On a side note- this carbon/global warming/climate change idea is a money grabbing joke. But if some idiot makes it law I'm willing to take their money.


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Here in Alberta, Canada we have a Carbon Credit Market (driven by energy producers in the oil & gas industry). I wonder if chemical and seed manufacturers could help farmers obtain carbon credits through seed and chemical research and programs. If we could save one dollar and acre we would work with them. Thoughts?

Verified FBN Member (KS)

Excellent advise and completely agree

Verified FBN Member (IA)

We signed up with Indigo Ag this fall so we will see. We had to show them on a map which fields we farm and how many acres in the field. In the contract they will encourage us to do carbon neutral practices but we're not forced to do them. We can cancel the contract at anytime. We already do no-till so might as well get paid for it.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Good to know

Verified FBN Member (CO)

It’s not. A matter of belief. Rather it is because at is time, companies can purchase carbon credits and use them in place of meeting anti pollution standards. As far as indigo goes, there crop portion seems to be a at this time .

Verified FBN Member (OH)

We did the same and signed up 500 acres to plant cover crops in return you get 750 shares. They just got 200 million dollars of funding from FedEx so they must believe in it.

Verified FBN Member (KS)


We have did the same, signed up some acres and all we had to do is show them on the map how many acres were in each field. We already are no tilling so we'll see if we get paid and how it works out.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

Thanks for the response.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

Signed up with a farm group and did all the paper work, before we ever got a penny the program ended. Indeigo Ag new venture into this will pay you, but not ready to jump in, they want too much data, and all acres, not ready to give in to giving all the data. Need more guarantee for farmer and less lawyer wording to understand the way data will be used.