Verified FBN Member (NE)


How much secondary education do you have?

I attended UNL for 2 years. Offered the opportunity to farm so I jumped on it and did not look back. I'm still learning every day and education is never wasted.

How much secondary education do you have?


Verified FBN Member (WA)

Was mid way through my second year of schooling when I decided it wasn't for me. Due to my father's health issues I decided the sooner I moved back and helped/learned from him the better off I would be. Luckily I got to work side by side with him for 5 good years before health slowed him way down. I figure it was the best education I could's now been 13 years and dad has been gone 5, but everything I am and know today is because of him. Nothing like learning from someone who knows who has made the mistakes and teaches how to avoid some. We learn on the job. Each day/crop/year bring their own challenges.

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