Verified FBN Member (DE)


******* herbicide in sorghum

Has anyone here used Facet L post emerge in sorghum. Had some small grass come up thanks to not haveing a good activation of my pre emerge thanks to being dry just wondering if any one here has used it and how it does on small grass


Verified FBN Member (DE)

No it’s labeled for post in sorghum use rate 12 oz compared to 32 luckily I only bought enough facet for 40 acres if I need any more definitely try the prize we had a stretch of dry weather and some fields had bad activation on the chemicals others had good here that corteva and adama and another company are coming out with a sorghum that can be sprayed with a broad spectrum grass herbicide post h...



Verified FBN Member (DE)

Didn’t know about prize looked it up actually made up state from us have to see if I can get it be a lot cheaper


Verified FBN Member (CO)

It could be. Look at the label and run your numbers. I think it’s got a higher active ingredient but maybe I’m missing something.

Verified FBN Member (DE)

It’s around 105 a gallon not the cheapest to use but other than culivating it’s the only option what kind of yields do you get on sorghum out your way


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Wow, that shot up in price. 3 yrs ago it was running 35-40/gal. Prize (similar product) runs like 145-150 on here. Lower use rate I believe. Quinstar last year ran us 189/gal & 8oz rate. But we’re also using it in a 2yr program. A one time shot is a little higher, maybe 12oz.

Verified FBN Member (DE)

Got 40 acres I’m gonna try it on pre emerge chemical didn’t get a good activation read that they use facet l in rice for grass issues and now has been labeled for post in sorghum worth a try


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Might as well then. I’ll have to price it out vs what we’ve been using. I like the Quinstar 4L just fine but having another option never hurts.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

Isn’t Facet the same as Quinstar 4L or Prize? I think it is just a different formulation. If so we run Quinstar 4L in our milo and summer fallow a month before wheat planting. We mainly use it as a bindweed product but it’s mighty effective. I haven’t paid much attention to it’s effectiveness on grasses. In milo our main grass issue is sand burs, nothing I’ve seen yet keeps those guys suppressed. ...
