Verified FBN Member (IA)


What is your cost per acre for chemicals on corn. Conventional vrs Roundup?

So what does everyone like to use for a chem program on corn conventional/roundup? What is it costing ?


Verified FBN Member (CO)


Our budget is the exact same for RR as it is Conv. I did this on purpose for several reasons when I started building out our program which I can get into if you want. But including application I set our budget at $32/ac. That is assuming 2 applications on RR and a 1 pass on Conv. This year because of finding products cheap, my cost is actually less than that. Running a lot of Capreno this year.



Verified FBN Member (AR)

Generic dual pre 1 pt. $3.75. Just dual so can plant beans if crop failure. Post: 1 pt. Dual $3.75, 1 qt atrazine $2.75, 3 oz generic callisto $2.25, and $ .25 of surfactant. $12.75 total This is in Arkansas so weeds may be different where your at.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

metalachlor 20 ounces for about 4.50 as a pre 1 oz of status for 3.06 an acre with a band sprayer as a post and cutivate we spray grass in beans twice if needed and forget about it in corn if you have time to cultivate its very profitable.


Verified FBN Member (IA)


We use 1.75 pt generic dual + 3/4# atrazine pre followed by 3 oz generic callisto + 1/2# atrazine + 1 qt generic glyphosate post for just under $20/acre total chem cost. Could take the gly for conventional corn and add accent if needed for grass post.


Verified FBN Member (OK)

I use Corvus + Atrazine applying post-emerge at V2. I grow both traited and conventional corn and that's my program regardless. Works great. Heavy cockleburr can break through some years. Occasionally have grasses break through but very rare and generally not thick enough to be a yield drag. I am full tillage. Clean start is important to me.

Cost runs right at $20/ac for me.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

We’ve been using Corvus and Atrazine on our corn acres, at a cost of around $24 per acre.


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

Assuming a planting population of 32,000 seeds per acre you will get about 2.5 acres per bag. Through October 31 FBN offers conventional corn seed for $99/bag, which is $150-200/bag less than fully stacked hybrids. Therefore, the cost savings per acre for conventional seed is $60-80 per acre. That leaves a lot of room for a customized chemical program. To build a custom chem program for your farm...



Verified FBN Member (IA)

Plenty of good corn traited corn out there for $150-200/bag.

Verified FBN Member (OH)

Been using a mix of glyphosate, atrazine, corvus and a insecticide. Also using 28% as the carrier. Just back over top with glyphosate if needed usually doesn't call for it. We also have a little sprayer mounted on our applicator to hot spots of needed to. The pre mix cost around $30.00


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Last two years I have been using metolachlor early pre-plant incorporated , then post with mesotrione and atrazine on conventional corn. All generic costs $11-$13/acre. On RR corn I just add generic glyphospate to the post pass, adds $3 to total cost.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

I don’t have any numbers for conventional as we have too many mid season grasses that come up after corn and not many residuals touch them.

As for the RR corn, most years we will be at or under $15/ac for pre with residual. Then if it’s one post we can get by for $10-12/ac, but if it’s a two post season it’ll be closer to $20-25/ac. So most years under $28/ac total, some years as high as $40/ac t...


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

The answer to this question really depends on your weed pressure, which weeds are most common, your crop rotation the following year, your tillage practices, corn rootworm and corn borer pressure, and several other factors. In general you can grow conventional corn for a significantly lower cost per acre than traited/stacked corn and have comparable yields. The cost savings on the seed is so sig...
