Verified FBN Member (NY)


Any NonGMO corn growers out there? What insecticide do you use for 1st gen ECB?

Currently we're using Warrior II Zeon equivalent, but curious if anyone is using anything else. Thank you!


Verified FBN Member (NY)

There are some blends with permethrin/bifenthrin also. I think probably the Lambda Cyholathrin is best bang for buck, just wondered if anyone else was using somehting different. I'm intrigued by Besiege and the neonicotinoids but never have brought myself to spend that kind of $$...

Ashton Bailey
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

In addition to Warrior II with Zion (ai Lambda Cy), many of the group 3A insecticides can be applied to control ECB. That would include things like Permethrin (ambush 2EC, arctic EC) and Bifenthrin (Brigade 2EC) just to name a few.

Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban) is also a good option for 1st gen ECB.