Verified FBN Member (NE)


FBN Satellite Photos

The last 3 weeks have said “not ideal conditions” and no usable image exists. It sure hasn’t been cloudy that much. Anyone else not getting images?


Matthew Meisner
Data Scientist
FBN Employee

Hi there,

The images show the "Enhanced Vegetation Index" - which is a measure of vegetative vigor calculated using the colors of light reflected in the image. It ranges from 0 (red) to 1 ( green), with red indicating less crop growth and green indicating denser vegetation, as Matt calls out above.

We have some more detail here, and certainly reach out if you have more questions or are intereste...



Verified FBN Member (WI)

I'm probably just an idiot here but I dont understand what the maps are showing me? The key on the side says from 0-1 and the map is red, green, and yellow. Is that a measurement of heat or how green vs brown the field is?


Verified FBN Member (NE)

They are NDVI images. A quick search can explain it far better than I. But basically a relative ‘greenness’ or health indication. The greener, the more vegetation. I like to see if any trends show up. Usually you already know the problem areas but I find it interesting

Verified FBN Member (CO)

Yeah we had some like that too, but honestly I don’t get very much useful input/data from those satellite pics so it’s not a big deal IMO.