
Laura Holoubek

Laura is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for Crop Protection at FBN.

Aug 22, 2023

by Laura Holoubek

Once you decide to conduct a fall burndown application , you must act quickly. The biggest window of opportunity for effective weed control starts the minute you’ve finished harvesting. This post will help you get started with actionable tips to conduct a successful fall burndown program by explorin

Aug 07, 2023

by Laura Holoubek

As fall approaches, it’s time to make some crucial decisions for your fields. Deciding whether or not to conduct a fall burndown application has implications for weed pressure, crop rotation, and insect and disease control. But the benefits of running a fall burndown application mean better future y

Jul 24, 2023

by Laura Holoubek

As we get later into the growing season, farmers need to make important decisions about late season applications. While many farmers are struggling with drought and other stresses this year, some farmers are still considering how to preserve and enhance crop yields. If you’re considering a late seas

Jun 23, 2023

by Laura Holoubek

A significant threat to crops, worms present serious problems for many farmers. Worm damage affects plant leaves, stems and roots, leading to reduced yields, stunted growth and even plant death. But familiarizing yourself with some of the most common types of early season worms, learning how to iden