July 2022 Market Briefing: Region 1

Nicole Tonak

Jul 05, 2022

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Upper Midwest/Dakotas have finally finished up with Spring planting. You, the producer, did a great job of getting as many acres as possible planted, under some tough conditions. Unfortunately, not all acres were planted, there are PP acres scattered throughout the region.

Crop conditions

As Spring planting progressed over the past few months, acre changes due to weather were inevitable. Spring Wheat planting was a struggle early on, and even though some acres were switched, ND was able to get most wheat acres planted. Higher input costs, along with grain markets, pushed some corn acres into beans throughout this region.

In much of the northern region, even though seed was planted into soggy ground, and not under great conditions, things are drying out quickly. With the crop now emerged, it’s trying to catch up from the late planting dates, however, we are still behind. Early planted Wheat acres look good and are on track so far at this point. Corn and beans are for sure behind. Spraying has been underway, and with the slow growing to this point it looks like there could be additional spray costs ahead to keep things under control before canopy. The mid-June change to cooler temps has taken some stress off during these early growing days, although it looks like the heat will reappear in July. Moisture will be needed to compensate for any excessive heat that comes in the next 30 days.

Recent market setbacks ahead of USDA’s June 30th acreage report did cause concern among some growers with uncertain yields projected throughout the upper Midwest. As advisors, we want you, the grower, to be comfortable with the sales you’ve made or additional sales yet to make.  With this yield uncertainty, I encourage you to watch for any changes +/- and adjust your percent sold accordingly to maintain accurate records ahead of harvest. If you have any questions regarding the markets or how to protect that risk going through the summer, I’d be happy to visit with you!

Basis levels throughout the region are still strong. Most facilities/end users have rolled and are using new crop futures, making basis level adjustments to complete the cash prices for summer. As you look to summer cleanout, be mindful of road construction/detours and closures to ensure a seamless trip to the scales.

Stay safe, Stay hydrated!  Enjoy your summer.

Upcoming Events

Check out these upcoming events in our region. For more details click here.

  • Minnesota Honey Producers - St. Cloud, MN, July 6-8

  • Dakota Fest - Mitchell, SD,  August 16-18

  • R Calf Annual Convention - Deadwood, SD, August 18-20

FBN Market Advisory services are offered by FBN BR LLC, dba FBN Brokerage, FBN BR and FBN Market Advisory - NFA ID: 0508695

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Nicole Tonak

Jul 05, 2022

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