You have six options to easily set up fields in your FBN® account.
Connect with JD Operations Center - Connecting your FBN account with John Deere is the easiest way to get field boundaries and other production data into FBN.
Upload monitor files - FBN can create your fields from your application, planting or harvest monitor files. Files can be uploaded to FBN through the Analyze tab > My Data > My Files section or shared by email at
Upload shape files - Go to the Analyze tab > My Data > My Files section of your account (must include the .dbf, .shp, .shx, and .prj files).
Upload your aerial maps or Legal Land Descriptions to your account - Go to the Analyze tab > My Data > My Files section or send them to FBN email at
Draw your fields in - Go to the Analyze tab > My Data > Add Farms & Fields and then click on the Draw button at the bottom of the map.
Use CLU boundaries to select and name your fields - Go to the Analyze tab > My Data > Add Farms & Fields. CLU boundaries are the shapes outlined in white that appear on the map. Once clicked they turn red and allow you to assign to a Farm and name the Field.