Integrating with John Deere requires that you already have a MyJohnDeere account created with display data uploaded to the John Deere Operations Center.
In order to add a MyJohnDeere account to FBN®, follow the steps below.
Sign in to your FBN account.
Go to the Integrations page - found under the Analyze tab > My Data > Integrations.
Click on the John Deere button.
If you agree to add this integration, click on the Connect with John Deere button.
If you are not currently signed into MyJohnDeere, you will be required to sign in.
Once signed in, you will see a page from MyJohnDeere asking if you want to allow FBN access to your account data.
Select Allow.
If the request was successful and FBN was able to finish the integration, you will see your MyJohnDeere account listed as an integration. If the request failed or there was an error, you will see the integrations page with an error message. Retry the process again if this happens or contact us for help.
After the data in your account has finished syncing with FBN, you will see the Last Sync date.
You are now integrated with your MyJohnDeere account and all files uploaded to MyJohnDeere will automatically upload to your FBN account for processing, cleaning and analyzing!
Removing an integration from FBN by going to the Integrations page and clicking on the Remove link to the right of the integration you wish to remove. The integration will no longer be listed.
To verify that your integrations are working properly and that FBN has the latest data, go to the Integrations page and look at the Last Sync timestamp next to each integration.
If you have followed the integration steps above and are still not seeing data come over to your FBN account after some time has passed, check your MyJohnDeere permissions by following the steps here: How do I edit permissions within MyJohnDeere for my integration with FBN?