Verified FBN Member (NE)


Do you have a side business?

What are the best income generators?


give your top 3

Do you have a side business?



Verified FBN Member (FL)

Lawn and ornamental fertilization and pest control, landscape and irrigation design, furure land planning

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I have a drainages business, trucking, seed treater, and sell seed.

Verified FBN Member (GA)

practice law

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Rental houses, especially if you are a jack of all trades. Cash flow with no extra work majority of the time

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I've been an independent crop consultant for 27 years. Farmed for 22 years. Managed a hog finish barn for 5 years. Crop adjuster for 5 years. I enjoy all of the jobs except the hogs. Enjoyment of what I do is important to me and the other farmers you get to know worth more than the money.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I buy and sell diesel pickups with another guy that’s a few years younger than me. We’re both in our early 20’s and both like to turn wrenches in our free time. We usually buy them for 1/3 of what we sell them for and both make a pretty good profit off of it. It’s all cash too for the most part so that’s always a bonus. Good to get away from all the stress that ranching can put on a guy and make a...



Verified FBN Member (NC)

Military is my full-time gig. I do the farming in the evenings and weekends— just started small scale to learn what I can until I finish my military service. I also sell agricultural products as a side.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

I work full time as an electrician along with cattle, turkeys, and crops. When things are slow I do framing.

Verified FBN Member (MO)

I love to go to farm auctions my wife and I have 2 flea market booths selling seasonal items and tools booths generate a modest cash flow and it’s fun. We also custom bale hay spray and buy and sell hay been doing this for 30 plus years


Verified FBN Member (MT)

Seems our area is always in need of a handyman. Most farmers have side hustles. Cows, custom haying, hauling, grain cleaning. Look around and do what people are willing to pay others to do in your area. Worked for me!

Verified FBN Member (ND)

how much


Verified FBN Member (IN)

12$ per bale

Verified FBN Member (IN)

I have this in stuck willing to free up my barb warehouse because I’m relocating


Verified FBN Member (AR)

Lease ground for duck hunting, sell chemicals and wife is a NP..

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I work for a dairy genetic company doing activity monitoring for dairy as a technology specialist for them full time. The beauty is I work from home, travel when needed, make my own schedules, thus I'm able to do my own planting and harvest of 800+ acres.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

We started a manufacturing business. Working out well but it is a lot harder then you think.

Verified FBN Member (ND)

start a you tube channel



Verified FBN Member (NE)

Search LEAAD Farms on YouTube.

Verified FBN Member (WA)

Doing what ? How does that work ?

Verified FBN Member (MO)

  * (MO)

This has been a fun side-business. It’s been very interesting learning about pivot problems across the country and very satisfying knowing that we can help.

Verified FBN Member (MO)

I work for a larger row crop farmer full time, mechanic in my shop in slow times. Do some custom artificial inseminating for local cattle producers. A little bit of custom haying. I try to never turn down an opportunity to make side money.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

I started farming and I’ve alway had a second job. I’ve work in the turf industry as well as consulting with agri-business, farmers that are looking at alternatives to reduce cost and build a program that uses less to gain better yields. Our son and daughter have followed that same path. They started a transportation business small but very profitable, custom harvesting, and consulting business th...



Verified FBN Member (ND)

We have been a distributor for Conklin products for over 17 years. We use all the agriculture products on our farm and the products are high quality products with proven results. Many Conklin ag products now have Beck's PFR (Practical Farm Research) results.


The vehicle products, home & health, building and animal products also have great products to promote.



Verified FBN Member (WA)

What is  * and how much time does it take ?

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Stock market


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Started selling seed, logging and woodworking with my brother, work part time for local university farm, and gonna start trucking locally soon.


Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)


Verified FBN Member (MT)

Was a heavy equipment mechanic and do the rare repair job for neighbors and friends still. I haven’t been charging anything the past years being afraid they would start expecting me more often. I would rather just help out. Might have to start charging again. Also have done a custom farming job on occasion. I charged fairly low mostly wanting to help out more than anything. Enough to break ...



Verified FBN Member (KS)

At the moment I am just starting to farm with Dad and have a side career working at a local wind farm. The money is a huge help but it can demand some hours depending on the site you can try and get on with. Otherwise just doing odds and ends for neighbors to bring in a little extra cash to warm the pockets.


Verified FBN Member (MI)

Custom work and jockey equipment.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Dad and I run two trucks in the off season. Mostly gravel and a little bit of grain. I also just started selling seed so we’ll see how that goes. I guess my YouTube channel is a side business too lol


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Real estate appraisal - primarily farms.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

Custom dozer/excavation worked in between farming practices of my own and work mostly for local farming friend and neighbors, great way to earn an honest decent living while helping folks we love and appreciate and stay close to home doing it. Small town rural life is good !


Verified FBN Member (OH)

Do some buying and selling of equipment in the a job off the farm