Newborn Calf Respiratory Diseases and Calf Scours: Causes and Treatments
Dr. Erika Nagorske explains the cost of respiratory disease, calf scours, vaccines and why a vaccination program is important for newborn calves.
Dr. Erika Nagorske is a practicing veterinarian with Southwest Veterinary Services, FBN’s official veterinary partner. She is originally from Wisconsin and graduated from UofM Vet School in 2016. She has been practicing dairy, dairy calf, and feedlot medicine for the last 6 years. She is passionate about cow comfort, calf health/management and animal welfare. She enjoys assisting producers in making their animals more healthy and comfortable, thus increasing their return, longevity, and profitability. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son on their acreage with their many animals, fishing, and spending time outside.
Dr. Erika Nagorske explains the cost of respiratory disease, calf scours, vaccines and why a vaccination program is important for newborn calves.
Learn why it’s important to give calves colostrum replacer if they are unable to nurse, how to recognize when to give a colostrum replacer, and how to choose one.
Learn why beef producers need to consider a program for feeding minerals to cattle from Dr. Brian Dorcey, DVM and FBN’s Head of Veterinary Strategy.
The price of farmland in Illinois grew 25% year-on-year, commanding more than $10,300 per acre. This follows a 5% increase in 2021.
The price of farmland in Minnesota grew 25% year-on-year, commanding more than $6,200 per acre. This follows a 12% increase in 2021.
The price of farmland in Iowa grew 17% year-on-year, commanding more than $11,100 per acre. This follows a similar 17% increase in 2021.
Dr. Erika Nagorske walks you through the 5 ways to plan for your reproductive synchronization program from setting goals to the protocols you should consider.
Learn about the different types of clostridium, how to treat it, and ways to prevent it in this video with veterinarian Dr. Erika Nagorske.
Dr. Erika Nagorske gives her tips and tricks for starting beef calves out strong and healthy. She’ll discuss supplies you need, keeping your calf warm and dry, using vaccines, when to castrate bull calves and more.