

Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) is a troublesome annual weed that significantly impacts various crops across the United States and Canada. Recognizable by its rough, spiny burs and broad, coarse leaves, cocklebur can grow up to 5 feet tall, forming dense stands that compete aggressively with crops for light, nutrients, and water. This competition can lead to substantial yield losses, particularly in crops like corn, soybeans, cotton, and sunflowers.

In corn and soybean fields, cocklebur can reduce yields by shading out the crop and competing for essential resources. Its burrs can also cause mechanical issues during harvest. In cotton fields, cocklebur can interfere with harvesting equipment and reduce the quality of the cotton fiber.

Photo Credit: John M. Randall, The Nature Conservancy,

Cocklebur 1

How to Identify Cocklebur

Farmers can identify cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium) by observing several specific and detailed characteristics:


  • The first leaves are broad, lance-shaped, and smooth, typically about 1-2 cm long.

  • The stem below the first leaves is often green and smooth.


  • Shape: Cocklebur leaves are large, broad, and triangular to heart-shaped with irregularly toothed edges.

  • Texture: The leaves are rough and sandpapery to the touch.

  • Color: They are typically a dark green color.

  • Arrangement: Leaves are arranged alternately along the stem. The leaf stalk (petiole) is long and can be covered with short hairs.


  • Height: Cocklebur can grow up to 5 feet tall.

  • Texture: The stems are stout, erect, and often have a rough texture.

  • Color: Stems are green but may have a reddish or purplish tinge.


  • Appearance: The flowers are small, greenish, and inconspicuous, forming in clusters at the leaf axils and stem tips.

  • Bloom Time: Flowers typically bloom from mid-summer to early fall.

Seed Pods (Burs):

  • Shape: The seed pods are distinctive, spiny burs that are oval-shaped and covered with hooked spines.

  • Size: Each bur is about 1 inch long.

  • Color: Burs are green when immature and turn brown as they mature.

  • Seeds: Each bur contains two seeds.


  • Type: Cocklebur has a taproot system.

  • Depth: The taproot can penetrate deeply into the soil, making mature plants difficult to pull out.

Growth Habit:

  • Habitat: Cocklebur thrives in disturbed soils, such as agricultural fields, roadsides, and waste areas.

  • Lifecycle: It is an annual plant, completing its lifecycle in one growing season.

By closely examining these characteristics, farmers can accurately identify cocklebur and implement appropriate control measures.

Geographic Impact of Cocklebur

Cocklebur is a widespread and adaptable weed that impacts a variety of crops across diverse geographic regions in the United States and Canada. Here’s a detailed overview of its geographic impact:

United States:

  • Midwest: Cocklebur is prevalent in the Corn Belt, affecting major crops like corn and soybeans. States such as Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio see significant infestations.

  • South: In the Southern states, including Texas, Georgia, and Mississippi, cocklebur impacts cotton and soybean fields. The warm climate and long growing season favor its growth.

  • Northeast: While less common, cocklebur can still be found in states like Pennsylvania and New York, impacting vegetable and grain crops.

  • West: In states like California and Arizona, cocklebur can be found in irrigated fields and along waterways, affecting crops such as vegetables and cotton.


  • Ontario and Quebec: Cocklebur is found in agricultural fields, particularly affecting corn and soybean crops.

  • Prairie Provinces: In Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta, cocklebur can be found in disturbed soils and along waterways, impacting various crops.

Timing of Cocklebur Impact

Cocklebur typically emerges in the spring when soil temperatures reach around 60-70°F, which can vary depending on the region. In the United States, this generally means cocklebur starts to impact fields from late April to early May. 

The weed continues to grow and compete with crops throughout the summer, peaking in its impact during the mid to late growing season.

Key Impact Periods:

  • Spring Emergence: Cocklebur seedlings begin to emerge in late April to early May.

  • Early Growth: During the early growth stages, cocklebur competes with crops for light, nutrients, and water.

  • Mid to Late Season: The weed's impact peaks as it grows taller and forms dense stands, significantly affecting crop yields and complicating harvest operations.

How to Manage Cocklebur in Corn and Soybean Fields

Farmers can chemically manage cocklebur in corn and soybean fields using herbicides such as AgSaver™ Glyphosate 53.8% and Willowood Paraquat 3SL*. AgSaver™ Glyphosate 53.8% contains glyphosate, isopropylamine salt, and is labeled for use on cocklebur in corn. Willowood Paraquat 3SL* contains paraquat dichloride and is also labeled for use on cocklebur in corn. These herbicides can be effective tools in an integrated weed management strategy to control cocklebur and minimize its impact on corn yields.

Photo Credit: Jan Samanek, Phytosanitary Administration,

Jan Samanek, Phytosanitary Administration,
Every product that labels COCKLEBUR as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Amine 42,4-D Granules2,4-D LV 42,4-DB 1752,4-DB 1752,4-DB 175 Herbicide2,4-DB 2002,4-DB 2002,4-DB 2002,4-DB 200 Herbicide2,4-DB DMA 1752,4-DB DMA 2004-Speed® XT875 BrushkillerAAtrex® 4L HerbicideAAtrex® Nine-O®Abundit® EdgeAbundit® EdgeAbundit™ Extra (Exclusively Distributed by DuPont)Accolade™ HerbicideAccord® Concentrate HerbicideAccord® XRT HerbicideAccord® XRT II HerbicideAcellus™ ATZAcifin™ 2LAcifluorfen 2Afforia™Aim® EC HerbicideAim® EW HerbicideAlecto™ 41SAlligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Dicamba 2,4-D DMAAlligare Diuron 4LAlligare Flagstaff™ HerbicideAlligare Imazapyr 2 SLAlligare Imazapyr 4 SLAlligare MSM 60Alligare Rotary 2 SLAlligare Triumph® 22KAlluvex™Amine 4 2,4-DAmine 400 2,4-D Weed KillerAmine 6Antik™ ECAqua Star®Aquamaster®AquaNeat® Aquatic HerbicideAquaSweep®Arrest PlusArsenal® herbicideArsenal® herbicide Applicators ConcentrateArsenal® PowerLine™ herbicideAtra-5® HerbicideAtrazine 4LAtrazine 4LAtrazine 4L (ADAMA)Atrazine 4L (Drexel) HerbicideAtrazine 4L (Helena)Atrazine 4L (Loveland)Atrazine 4L (Tenkoz)Atrazine 4L Flowable Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 4L herbicideAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DF (Drexel)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (ADAMA)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 90WDGAtrazine DFAuthority® MaxxAuthority® XL HerbicideAvalanche® UltraAvalanche® UltraBalance® ProBallast™Basagran®Basagran® 5LBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBasagran® HerbicideBase Camp® MCP EsterBashAzon HerbicideBasis® BlendBattleship® IIIBeacon® HerbicideBestow™ HerbicideBicep II MAGNUM®Bicep II MAGNUM® FCBicep Lite II MAGNUM®Biscayne™BiteBK 800Boomer™ HerbicideBoundary® 6.5 ECBrawl II ATZ™Brawl II™Breakfree® ATZBreakfree® ATZ LiteBreakfree® NXT ATZBroadloom® HerbicideBroadrange® 55 HerbicideBrushmaster® HerbicideBuccaneer® (55467-10)Buccaneer® 5Buccaneer® 5 ExtraBuccaneer® Plus (55467-9)BurnMaster™ HerbicideButyrac® 175Butyrac® 200Cadence® ATZ NXTCadence® LA NXTCadence™ ATZCadence™ Lite ATZ HerbicideCandor® HerbicideCanopy® BlendCanopy® EX HerbicideCanopy® HerbicideCaparol® 4LCapstone® Specialty HerbicideCaravel® HerbicideCarnivore® HerbicideChange Up™ Selective HerbicideChaparral™ Specialty HerbicideCharger Basic®Charger MAX®Charger MAX® ATZCharger MAX® ATZ LiteChaser® Turf HerbicideChisum™ HerbicideChlorimuron 25 WDGCimarron® PlusCimarron® PlusCimarron® X-traCinch®Cinch® ATZCinch® ATZ LiteCinco™Classic® HerbicideClassic® HerbicideClean Amine®Cleansweep® D HerbicideCleansweep™ M HerbicideClearGraze®Clearout™ 5 ExtraCloak®Cloak® EXClomate™ 3MEColt®+Salvo® HerbicideColt®+Sword® HerbicideComet® Selective HerbicideCommand® 3MEComply™ HerbicideConfidence®Confidence® XtraConfidence® Xtra 5.6LCool Power®Cornbelt® 4Lb. AmineCornbelt® 4Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® 6Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® Atrazine 4LCornbelt® Atrazine 90DFCornbelt® SalvanCornerstone K HerbicideCornerstone®Cornerstone® 5 PlusCornerstone® Plus (1381-192)Cornerstone® Plus (524-454-1381)CorvetteCorvus®Cotoran® 4LCotton-Pro®Credit® 41Credit® 41 ExtraCredit® 5.4 ExtraCredit® XtremeCrossbow® By United SuppliersCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® Herbicide (Dow)Crossbow® LCrossbow™ HerbicideCrossroad®Crusher®Crusher™Curio® HerbicideDagger®Dawn® HerbicideDe-Ester™LV4Degree Xtra® HerbicideDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree® HerbicideDerecho™Derive 75 DFDerive® 4LDesperado® Selective HerbicideDetermine™ 4LDicamba De-Amine®Dimetric® DF 75%Dimetric® EXTDimetric® LiquidDirex® 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4L (Drexel)Diuron 80Diuron 80 DFDiuron 80 WDG Weed KillerDiuron 80DFDrillDryphosate 75SGDual MAGNUM®DuetDuet®DuPont Matrix® SGDuraCor®Duramax® HerbicideDurango® DMA® HerbicideDurango® DMA® HerbicideE-2 HerbicideEcomazapyr 2 SLEdict® 2SCElectra 5.6LElliptical™ HerbicideEndRun®Enlist Duo™ Herbicide with Colex D TechnologyEnlist One™Enlite®Envy™Envy™ IntenseEnvy™ Six MaxEscalade® 2Escort® XPEscort® XPEsplAnade® SureEssensaET® Herbicide/DefoliantET®X Herbicide/DefoliantEtcetraEverpreX™Evik® DFExpert® HerbicideExtra Credit 5®FallOut™ HerbicideFancyFarmer's First™ Acetochlor 7EC HerbicideFearless Xtra 5.6LFearless Xtra HerbicideFireBallFive Star®ForeFront® HLForeFront® R&P Specialty HerbicideForesters'® Non-Selective HerbicideFormula 40®Four Power Plus®FulTime® HerbicideFulTime® NXTGallatin™Galvan®GCS Acetochlor 7ECGCS Atrazine 4LGCS Atrazine 90DFGCS Clopy 360SLGCS Flumet 80WDGGCS Metola Plus 8ECGF-3335Glory®Glory® 4LGly Star® 5 ExtraGly Star® GoldGly Star® K-PlusGly Star® OriginalGly Star® PlusGly Star® Pro Grass and Weed KillerGlyfine™ PlusGlyfos® Aquatic HerbicideGlyfos® X-TRA HerbicideGlyphogan® HerbicideGlyphogan® Plus HerbicideGlyphosate 4 PlusGlyphosate 5.4Gramoxone® SL 3.0Grapple™Graslan® LGrasp® SC HerbicideGrasp® Xtra HerbicideGravitas®Grazon® P+D Specialty HerbicideGrazonNext® HLGrazonNext® Specialty HerbicideGrazonPD3™Gunslinger AMPGunSlinger®Gunslinger® P+DHABITAT® herbicideHamper™ HerbicideHamper™ II HerbicideHarass® HerbicideHarmony® GT XPHarmony® SG Herbicide (with TotalSol®)Harmony® SG with TotalSol®Harness® HerbicideHarness® Herbicide (Monsanto)Harness® XtraHarness® Xtra (Monsanto)Harness® Xtra 5.6 LHarness® Xtra 5.6LHarrow™HeadwinHelena Atrazine 4F HerbicideHelena Atrazine 90-DGHelmetHelmet MTZHelmet SPCHelosate® 75 SGHelosate® Plus AdvancedHi-Dep® Broadleaf HerbicideHi-Dep® IVM Broadleaf HerbicideHighNoon™ HerbicideHinge™Honcho® HerbicideHoncho® K6 HerbicideHoncho® K6 Herbicide (Monsanto)Honcho® PlusHorsepower® Selective HerbicideHoss® UltraImitator® 18% ConcentrateImitator® 25% ConcentrateImitator® AquaticImitator® PlusInfantry™ 4LInfantry™ 90DFInflict™Instigate®Intrro®Invora®Invora™Karmex® DFKasai™Keystone® HerbicideKeystone® LA HerbicideKeystone® LA NXTKeystone® NXTKleenUp® Pro HerbicideKochiavore®LademLadem ATLandmark® XPLandmaster® BWLandmaster® II HerbicideLeadoff® HerbicideLedger™ HerbicideLeopard™Levity™Lexar® EZLima 6Lineage® Clearstand® HerbicideLondax® HerbicideLondax® HerbicideLongbow™ ECLow Vol 4 Ester Weed KillerLow Vol 6 Ester Weed KillerMad Dog®Mad Dog® 5.4Mad Dog® PlusMakaze Yield Pro®Makaze® HerbicideMalibu™Matador®Matador®-SMatrix® FNVMatrix® SGMauler™ HerbicideMaxunitech Carfentrazone + Sulfentrazone SEMaxunitech Carfentrazone 2 ECMCP Amine 4MCP Ester 4 HerbicideMCPA AmineMCPA Amine 4MCPA Amine 4 (Albaugh)MCPA Ester 4MCPA Ester 4MCPA L. V. 4 EsterMCPA-4 AmineMCPE PhenoxyMe-Too-Lachlor™Me-Too-Lachlor™ IIMe-Too-Lachlor™ MTZMe-Try-Buzin™ 4LMe-Try-Buzin™ 75DFMedal®Medal® IIMedal® II ATMedal® II ATZMetalicaMetalliS™ MTZMetolachlor 8EMetribuzin 4LMetribuzin 75Metribuzin 75DFMetricor™ 4FMetricor™ DFMetriflex 4SCMetrixxMetrixx 75DFMetrixx PlusMetrixx SCMezaVue™Micro-Tech®Milestone® Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Plus Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Specialty HerbicideMillennium Ultra 2®Mirage® (524-445-34704)Moccasin MTZMoccasin™Moccasin™ II PlusMojave 70 EGMSM 60WDG Select™MSMA 6 PlusMSMA 6.6MTZ Co-PackNufarm Imazuron™ HerbicideNufarm Polaris® AC Complete HerbicideNufarm Polaris® AC HerbicideNufarm Polaris® HerbicideNufarm Polaris® SPNufarm Prosedge Selective HerbicideOmni® Brand Metribuzin 75 DFOpensight® Specialty HerbicideOpti-Amine®Oust® ExtraOust® ExtraOverTime™ ATZ HerbicideOverTime™ ATZ Lite HerbicideOverTime™ ATZ Lite NXTOverTime™ ATZ NXTPacoPanther® MTZ HerbicideParallel® HerbicideParallel® PCS HerbicideParallel® PlusParrot™ 4LParrot™ DFPastora®Pastora®Pasture Pro® HerbicidePastureGard® HLPastureGard® Specialty HerbicidePatriot® HerbicidePatron® 170Payback ATZPeak®Perfection® Weed & Feed 21-7-14Phenomenon™Phenomenon™ DuoPicturePixxaro® ECPowerZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfPrequel®Presidual™ HerbicidePriority 8EPriority® MTZProDeuce®Progeny® HerbicidePrometryne 4L HerbicidePruvin® HerbicidePyresta®Python® HerbicideQuinark™ EWRancor™ 4 FRancor™ 75 DFRanger PRO® HerbicideRanger PRO® Herbicide (Monsanto)Rascal® PlusRazor Burn®Razor®Razor® ProRazor® Xtreme HerbicideRebelEX® HerbicideReptile WDGRequire® Q (mp)Resist™ HerbicideResist™ HerbicideResolve® DFResolve® QResolve® Q (mp)Resolve® SGRezult® B herbicideRezult® G herbicideRezuvant® herbicideRhomene® MCPA BroadleafRifle®-DRometsol®Roundup Custom®Roundup Custom® (Monsanto)Roundup PowerMAX®Roundup PowerMAX® 3 (Monsanto)Roundup PowerMAX® 3 HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® HerbicideRoundup PowerMAX® IIRoundup PowerMAX® II (Monsanto)Roundup PRO® ConcentrateRoundup PRO® Concentrate (Monsanto)Roundup PRO® HerbicideRoundup PRO® Herbicide (Monsanto)Roundup PROMAX® HerbicideRoundup PROMAX® Herbicide (Monsanto)Roundup QuikPRO®Roundup QuikPRO™ (Monsanto)Roundup Ultra®Roundup WeatherMAX® (Monsanto)Roundup WeatherMAX® HerbicideRT 3® HerbicideRT 3® Herbicide (Monsanto)Rugged® HerbicideSaber®Sahara® DG herbicideSalvo®SalvusScorch™Sendero®Shafen StarShar-Max Glyphosate 41% SLSharda Fluometuron 4SCShark® EWShowdown® HerbicideShredder® 2,4-D LV6Shredder® Amine 4Shredder® MCPAShredder® MCPEShredder™ 2,4-D LV4Simazat™ 4LSimazat™ 90DFSolida® HerbicideSolida® HerbicideSolution Water Soluble®Solve™ MCPA EsterSpartan® ChargeSpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSpeedZone® EW Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSpike® 80DF Specialty HerbicideSpitfire™ HerbicideSpoiler® HerbicideSpur®Spyder® Extra Selective HerbicideStalwart® C HerbicideStalwart® HerbicideStalwart® MTZStalwart® Xtra HerbicideStalwart® Xtra LiteStarane® Ultra HerbicideStareDown®Stark™ UltraStigmata™Stinger® HerbicideStinger® HLStorm® HerbicideStrategy™Streamline®StreliuS™ IIStrike Three Ultra® 2Stringent™Sunphosate 41%Sunphosate 5 MAX (Wynca)Super Trimec® Broadleaf HerbicideSuperBrush™ KillerSure Power® Selective HerbicideSurge® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSurmount® HerbicideSword®Synchrony® XPTailwind™Target® 6 PlusTenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTenkoz® MCPA Broadleaf Amine 4Terradex™ Quick StrikeTetris™ SGThief™Thistrol® HerbicideThrottle® XPTide Hexazinone 2SLTide Hexazinone 75 WDGTide MSM 60 DF HerbicideTordon® 22K Specialty HerbicideTreaty®Tremor® ATZ Lite NXTTremor® ATZ NXTTri-Power® Selective HerbicideTriamine®Triangle® HerbicideTribal™TriCor® 4FTriCor® DFTrifluralin HFTrimec® 1000 Low Odor Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® 992 Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Classic Brand Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Southern Broadleaf HerbicideTriple Shot™Tripzin® ZCTriumph® 22KTriumph® XTRTriVolt™Trizmet™ IITrizmet™ LiteTrooper® 22KTrooper® P+DTrooper™ ExtraTrooper™ ProTrumpcard®Turret®Ultra Blazer® (UPI)UproarUsha 6Vegetable Pro® HerbicideVelossa™Velpar® AlfaMax™Velpar® AlfaMax™ (DuPont)Velpar® DF VUVelpar® LVengeance® Plus Selective HerbicideVenue®Venue® Max HerbicideVeteran® 720 HerbicideVida® Herbicide/DesiccantViewpoint® HerbicideVios™ FX HerbicideVisor BroadcropVisor® S-MOCVista® XRT HerbicideVolley® ATZVolley® ATZ LiteVolley® ATZ LITE NXTVolley® ATZ NXTVolta®Vopak® 3MEVoucher®Weed Rhap® A-4DWeedmaster® HerbicideWhetstone™ HerbicideWideARmatch™ HerbicideWildCard®Willowood Chlorim 25WDGWillowood Clomazone 3MEWillowood Glypho 6Willowood Metribuzin 75DFWillowood Sulfen ChlorimZeus® Prime XCZone HerbicideZone Maxx Herbicide