Verified FBN Member (NE)

For SaleGrain Handling

ISO reliable semi grain hauling set-up $15,000

Young farmer looking for a used semi truck and trailer setup. Nothing fancy but have to drive tall+long hills so will need the Hp to make it work. I can't seem to find a pair on the Internet.

No preference on brands, do like reviews of Cat and Cummins motors, tandem axle, Eaton transmission, and can haul around 1,000 bushels.

Year: 2005
Condition: Used - Good


Verified FBN Member (ND)

in 40 years of semi ownership one our farm I have never paid more than 14,000 for a semi tractor. Problem is $14,000 doesn't buy as much truck as it used to. up your price point to get a better truck if you can.

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