Farm Bill: Show Me the Money [Video]

FBN Network

Dec 24, 2022

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This panel was originally presented live at Farmer2FarmerVI in Omaha, NE. 

The Farm Bill has been the main policy vehicle for farmers and rural America, but have a range of developments shifted how transformative this legislation is for farmers?

From the influx of spending from the CCC (from the Market Facilitation Program, Covid assistance, to Climate Smart Agriculture), to nearly permanent "ad hoc" disaster spending, or a historic influx of conservation money appropriated under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Furthermore, critical issues like input pricing, supply chain disruptions, labor and immigration, environmental regulations, and water access rarely find any home in the Farm Bill. Hear the outlook from distinguished farmer policy leaders.

Featured Speakers:

  • Ken Barbic: Head of Policy and Global Government Relations at FBN®

  • Hon. Collin Peterson: Former Chairman, House Committee of Agriculture

  • Hon. Greg Ibach: Former Nebraska Director of Agriculture

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FBN Network

Dec 24, 2022

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