Verified FBN Member (MI)


Land Lease Question

Hello All, I’m a beginning farmer. The 24’ crop year will be my first time planting my own crop. However I’m currently struggling to secure some ground. I have a couple landlords that have oil fracking contracts. And it’s possible my crop could be destroyed during the tenure of my lease for driveways. How do I address this in my contract with the landlord. I’ve been told the oil company will reimburse the landlord for damaged crops and then the landlord has to pay me. How do I calm there nerves about that and address it in my lease agreement. Any help would be awesome, thank you!


Verified FBN Member (MI)

deduct at harvest make sure you know your costs, I would not pay rent till then, I was I your shoes 10 years ago, it’s tuff to get started, make sure you are charging something for your time, you will find out that is one of the most valuable assets.

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