Verified FBN Member (TN)


How does a case sprayer compare to a John Deere sprayer?

Is one better/more durable than the other

How does a case sprayer compare to a John Deere sprayer?


Verified FBN Member (CO)

I started with a Hardi twin pull type. Great machine, however slow behind my 4255. Next I had a Patriot 150XL. Great machine, a little small though. Next was a used Rogator 1254. Pretty much worn out. Next a JD 4830, relatively low houred. I loved the 2600 display and guidence. Pretty unbalanced machine. Much heavier on the rear axle. Next another 4830, practically new. Pretty good machine until I had to put new injectors in at 1400 hours. I went back to a Patriot 3185.

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