Verified FBN Member (IL)


Is anyone doing strip till corn on corn?

We just bought an 8 row blu jet strip till bar. I want to try it in continuous corn. I have played around with it and it makes a nice strip in the standing corn stalks, but that doesn’t mean much. How much nitrogen do I need out front? Currently just making strips, not putting any fertilizer in with it. We could set it up to run liquid pretty easily but I think dry is beyond our budget at the moment. Any tips or tricks? What has worked for you? Thanks!



Verified FBN Member (KS)

Been doing corn on corn striptill for several years. We offset 15 inches on thirty in rows and split the row. Some people run about 10 degrees off row and go at a angle.. either one works great. We run anhydrous on the bottom tube and 10-34-0 on the top on a double tube shank. Just don’t run when it’s to wet or you just cut a slot through the ground and it’s possible for it to still be there when you plant if you don’t get enough’s best if you run at least 45 days before planting if you use anhydrous also.

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