Verified FBN Member (SD)


***** Wagon vs. Mixer Wagon

Currently running 150 head cow/calf operation and backgrounding my calves for roughly 150 days. Cows are on stalks all winter, weather pending, so some years only feeding them for rougly 90 days in the bunk. I am currently using a chuck wagon to feed everything, layering the feed for the calves to try and at least "mix" a little. Was wondering if anyone out there has gone from chuck wagon to mixer wagon and has any good numbers on performance or what they saw in bunk cleanup? I am having a hard time crunching much for numbers on the feed and performance side. I've already taken into account extra fuel and depreciation on having to use two tractors, I have a quick attach on my Shuler feed wagon so get by using one tractor. Thank you in advance.



Verified FBN Member (SD)

I don't think you'll regret going to a tmr wagon. Dad got our first mixer wagon in 1997. 2 years ago we went from a reel mixer Farm-Aid to a vertical mix Vermeer (they actually bought out Shuler in like 2018, iirc). We feed 350 calves and 80 cows every day and I'd never go back. We have been feeding the cows 2/3 silage 1/3 corn stalk bales for weeks and see near zero sorting. Calves only pick through when they get clumps of cattail bales. If you want to come see ours mix, just let me know.

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