Im looking at updating my corn planter in the next year. Ive got a jd 1770 24r30 that is tired. Thinking of going to a DB60. Has anyone done the puk deal and put new units on a old bar? Is it better to have active air for row units and row cleaners or are the hyd worth the money? I need section control because we have alot of mud holes to go around. Was thinking the 5E row units. Maybe just order new and get what I want and better financing?
Our operation currently runs a DB 90 Max Emerge 5e. We had a planter with active air row cleaners. NEVER AGAIN. Hydraulic down force and row cleaners are a must in our operation with us being strictly no till. We come to find out with the row mounted row cleaners that they end up fighting the row unit downforce. For example, soil requiring high downforce was alone maxing out the row unit capabilities. Then add the row cleaners that are also trying to lift the unit. Ended up fighting it the whole season and ended up trading a planter with 3k acres just because of the row cleaners. 5e is a must now days *
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