Verified FBN Member (NE)


John Deere irrigation motors power units

John Deere power techs

2011 6068T. 75 original hours

2004 4045T. 224 original hours

  1. 4045T. 125 original hours

2011 4045T. 3 original hours

2010 4045t. 268 original hours

2008 6068t. 2 hours overhauled

2010 6068t. 10 original hours

2011 6068t 3 original hours

3-6059t. 50-1500 original hours

4- 4039t. 50-1000 hours

8.1L John Deere available January

New SAE pto/clutches available $1500

New 16kw 20kva side mount generators $3200

New driveshafts

New Murphy parts

Several units and hours to choose from as available

new setups ready to go

Murphy gauges

Generator bracket and pulley

Adjustable cart

New clutch

Non emission mechanical engines

Columbus NE



John Deere irrigation motors power units



Verified FBN Member (NE)

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